Minggu, 05 Februari 2023


Understanding Questioner


1.     Definition of Questioner

·       The Questionnaire/Questionnaire is a well-formulated list of questions used as a means of collecting data through surveys.

·       A questioner is someone who asks questions, especially in an official or formal capacity. When a detective interviews a suspect, she acts as a questioner.

Definitions of questioner

Ø  noun someone who asks a question

synonyms: asker, enquirer, inquirer, querier

see less

types:        show 5 types...

type of:      speaker, talker, utterer, verbaliser, verbalizer

someone who expresses in language; someone who talks (especially someone who delivers a public speech or someone especially garrulous)


2.     Function of Questioner

The functions of the questionnaire include,

·       In order to collect information as a basis for the preparation of permanent records.

·       In order to ensure the validity of the information obtained by other methods.

·       Making an evaluation of the guidance program.

·       In order to take a sampling of attitudes or opinions of respondents.


3.     Sample of Questioner

Source : https://www.nesabamedia.com/contoh-kuesioner/

·       The picture above is an example of a research questionnaire about the causes of stress experienced by students taking their thesis.


4.     Expressions and sentences used in Questioner

a)     What (Apa)

What is used to ask for information about something.

Example of sentences:

·       What is your name? (Siapa namamu?)

·       What are you doing? (Apa yang kamu lakukan?)

·       What is the color? (Apa warnanya?)

·       What should I do? (Apa yang harus aku lakukan?)

b)    Where (di mana)

Where is used to ask for a location or place.

Example of sentences:

·       Where is your Mum? (Di mana ibumu?)

·       Where is my shoes? (Di mana sepatumu?)

·       Where are you? (Di mana kamu?)

·       Where is your house? (Di mana rumahmu?)

c)     When (kapan)

When is used to ask for the time.

Example of sentences:

·       When does the bus arrive? (Kapan bisnya sampai?)

·       When will you be here? (Kapan kamu akan datang kemari?)

·       When will the football game start? (Kapan pertandingan sepak bolanya dimulai?)

·       When are we going? (Kapan kita akan pergi?)

d)    Why (kenapa)

·       Why is used to ask a reason.

·       Example of sentences:

·       Why do you do that? (Kenapa kamu melakukannya?)

·       Why do you like Nasi Goreng so much? (Kenapa kamu sangat suka Nasi Goreng?)

·       Why the living room is so messy? (Kenapa ruang tamu sangat berantakan?)

·       Why the price is expensive? (Kenapa harganya sangat mahal?)

e)     Which (yang mana)

Which is used to inquire from the certainty of a choice among people, things, or things.

Example of sentences:

·       Which cake is the most delicious? (Kue mana yang lebih enak?)

·       Which dress is better for me? (Gaun yang mana yang lebih baik untukku?)

·       Which club do you join in? (Di klub mana kamu bergabung?)

·       Which cat is yours? (Kucing mana yang jadi milikmu?)

f)     Who (siapa)

·       Who is used to ask about people.

·       Example of sentences:

·       Who ate my pudding? (Siapa yang memakan pudingku?)

·       Who is your favourite artist? (Siapa artis kesukaanmu?)

·       Who are you? (Siapa kamu?)

·       Who sent me this gift? (Siapa yang mengirim hadiah ini?)

g)    Whom (dengan siapa)

Whom is used to ask someone who has a position as an object or recipient of the subject's action.

Example of sentences:

·       Whom did he marry? (Dengan siapa dia menikah?)

·       Whom did you talk to? (Dengan siapa kamu bicara?)

·       Whom you do you know in USA? (Ada yang kamu kenal di AS?)

·       Whom did you see? (Siapa yang kamu lihat/temui?)

·       Whom did she make a pie for? (Siapa yang kamu buatkan pai?)

h)    Whose (punya siapa)

Whose is used to ask which person has something (possessive).

Example of sentences:

·       Whose child is this? (Anak siapa ini?)

·       Whose turn is this? (Giliran siapa ini?)

·       Whose car is that? (Mobil (milik) siapa itu?)

·       Whose house is this? (Rumah (milik) siapa ini?)

i)      How (bagaimana)

How is used to ask how something can be done.

Example of sentences:

·       How are you? (Bagaimana kabarmu?)

·       How to make this cake? (Bagaimana cara membuat kue ini?)

·       How can I go home right now? (Bagaimana caraku pulang ke rumah sekarang?)

·       How does the television work? (Bagaimana cara televisi bekerja?)


5.     Types of Questioners

The following is about the Types of Questions and Sample Questions:

a.     Open Questions

This open-ended question cannot be answered with a "Yes" or "No" answer. The purpose of open-ended questions is to encourage the answerer to develop an answer to the question. Open-ended questions begin with the words "Why", "Who", "When", "What", "Where”.

Example of an open question:

Why do you like golf?

When do you play golf?

b.     Closed Questions

Closed questions are answered with the answers "Yes", "No", "Agree", "Disagree, "True" "False".

Example of a closed question:

Lawyer is a profession in the field of law, True or False.

c.     Specific Questions

These specific questions are questions that ask for specific information.

Examples of specific questions:

At what time do you feel bored playing golf?

d.     Reflective Questions

This reflective question aims to provide more in-depth information.

Examples of reflective questions:

It turns out that Lawyer is a profession that...?

e.     Leading Questions

This directing question aims to make it easier for the answerer and the answer to the question is already in the question submitted.

Example of a leading question:

It turns out that the Lawyer profession is very fun, isn't it?

f.      Hypothesis Questions

Hypothesis questions aim to find out reactions and speed of thinking in solving problems.

Example of a hypothetical question:

As a lawyer what do you do if you lose the trial?

g.     Behaviour Questions

Behavioural questions are questions that ask about experience or what the answerer does.

Examples of behavioural questions:

Try to explain what you do as a lawyer in defending clients in court.


6.     Doing Questioners



From the results of the survey data analysis above, I can find out what are the school learning facilities of my friends, as well as school learning facilities that need to be added and paid attention to in the school learning process

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